Most of the ideas and scientific developments of the author of the lectures were published in his newspaper articles from 1986 to 2002 and the monograph “Ways of Evolution of the 21st Century” in 2007. and are given in the course of lectures No. 3.


        Course lectures number 7 A brief history of mankind (in pictures)

            Lecture 1. Brief history of Eurasia

          Lecture 2. Aeneolithic (copper age)

           Lecture 3.Cruel (class exploiting)period of the history of society

           Lecture 4 Early antiquity. Bronze Age (II – III millennium BC)

           Lecture 5 Ancient civilization.

           Lecture 6 Steppes of Eurasia in the Middle Ages

            Lecture 7. Eastern Slavs in the Middle Ages

            Lecture 8. Other examples of natural economic laws in the history of society

              Lecture 9. The development of mankind over the past 150 years

        Lecture number 1 Methods for determining the level of world democracy in the country.

         Lecture number 2 The main mover of progress in society.

        Lecture number 3 Events required for the implementation of the New World Politics.     

    Course of lectures 2 Critical analysis of the “Capital” of Karl Marx and the essence of economic categories in the superindustrial society

  • Lecture number 1.    Product and its properties. Cost substanceand

consumer value.

            – Lecture №2. Criticism of the theory of the transformation of the value of goods in the price of production.

             – Lecture number 3. The influence of the ratio of demand and supply of goods on its price.

          – Lecture number 4. Land Value and Land Rent.

          – Lecture №5. Marginal cost (use-consuming) price theory.

         – Lecture №6. Cost-energy essence of prices inindustrial society.

           – Lecture №7. The process of materialization of labor in commodity production and the creation of surplus value and profits

               – Lecture №8. Accumulation in commodity production

            –  Lecture No. 9. Analysis of Volume II of Capital. Expanded reproduction in an industrial society.

        Course lectures number 3 World civilization: evolution or death?

          Lecture 1 The action of the basic dialectic and economic laws and laws in modern society.

          Lecture 2 Man-made impact on global climate change. Who is guilty of this and how to prevent it?

          Lecture 3. The global financial and economic system: reformation or death?

          Lecture 4 The measures taken by the leading countries of the world and their insufficiency in reforming the IFES.

          Lecture 5. Other methods of improving harmony in world civilization

          Lecture  6.  The main activities necessary for a radical improvement of harmony in society.

          Lecture 7.  Ways of evolution of the 21st century.

         Course lectures №10Paths of Evolution of the 21st Century”

                           LECTURE 1. The development of mankind over the past 150 years.

                      Lecture 2. Tasks of the world community in the 21st century

                           Lecture 3. Time of extinction of dinosaurs

                           Lecture 4 . New political conditions

         Course lectures number 13 The main mover of progress.

View lecture courses in separate courses (files)

Lecture courses see in a paid file «COURSES of LECTURES IESU»

At the faculty it is advisable to get acquainted with the lectures in the order indicated above.

Lecture number 1

Method of determining the level of democracy in the country.

      In this lecture, we will try to create a program and methodology for determining the level of democracy in the country.

                                                                                                       Table №1

      1. Elections to central bodies. POINTS

         A) Head of STATE:

              – DIRECT VOTING by single-member district,

                without indication and participation of parties (all independent), 6

              – indicating partisanship, 3

             – with the participation of parties in the elections. 2

        B) Parliament (Duma, Council, Senate, etc.):

            – in single-mandate constituencies, without any participation of parties, prohibition

               and heavy fines to parties (all independent), 5

             – also with the participation of parties, 4

             – by regions, republics, states, etc., 3

             – for mixed districts (50 to 50%), ________________________________ 2

             – by party lists. one

       B) The Prime Minister (Prime Minister, etc.):

              – ON SIMPLE DISTRICT,

                (without participation of parties and independent) 4

                – indicating partisanship, 3

                – with the participation of parties 2

                – Elections by Parliament, 1

                 – appointed. 0

       D) Second Chamber (the same points as Parliament), (5,4,3,2,1)

2. Elections of zonal authorities (republics, states, regions, etc.)

       A) LEADERS:

           – direct voting in single-mandate constituencies (all independent), 3

           – indicating partisanship, 2

            – on recommendation, 1

            – appointed from above, 0

       B) legislative bodies:

           – all independent, 4

           – with the participation of parties, 3

           – according to the mixed scheme (50 to 50%), 2

           – by party lists. one

        B) Members of the Executive Council, government, etc .:

             – all independent, 4

             – with the participation of parties 3

             – on mixed lists, 2

             – elected by the legislature, 1

3. Elections of local authorities (cities, districts, city halls, etc.):

    A) managers:

         – by direct vote and all independent, 3

         – with the participation of parties 2

          – elected by the Council, etc., 1

          – appointed, 0

      B) legislative bodies:

          – single-member districts (all independent) 3

          – with the participation of parties, 1

          – by party lists. 0

       B) Executive bodies:

             – all independent, 3

             – by party lists, 2

             – elected by the Council, etc. one

             – assigned. 0

      4. Election of the chairmen of the panel of judges (for each level):

           A) in single-member districts and independent, 5

            B) with the participation of parties, 3

            C) Are appointed from above or are absent such posts. 0

     5. Elections of the heads of the police, police, etc. (prefects, etc.)

          (for each level):

         A) independent, 5

         B) with the participation of parties, 3

          B) are elected by universal suffrage on the recommendation, 2

          d) appointed by an elected body, 1

          g) appointed. 0

     6. Election of heads of prosecution offices (for each level):

          A) independent, 5

          B) with the participation of parties, 3

          C) Appointed by an elected body, 1

           D) are appointed from above. 0

     7. Elections of the Constitutional Court:

         A) independent, 5

          B) with the participation of parties, 4

           B) are appointed by the Parliament,

              – from the opposition, 3

               -50% of the opposition, 2

              – without participation, 1

8) Election of the Chairman of the Constitutional Court:

    A) General elections, all independent 5

9) Restrictions of candidates of elected bodies (for each level):

(for each indicator)

      – Collection of signatures (minus) – 5

       – Cash contribution – 4


       – Medical Assistance – 2

        – For every other restriction – 1

        – Unlimited 5

10) Announcement of charges in court (for all types of court organizations):

       – always by the prosecutor, 0

       – always investigative bodies, 2

       – the state affairs prosecutor, and the rest – sled.organami, 4

       – The state affairs and juvenile prosecutor. five

11) Participation in elections (legitimacy of elections):

        – more than 60%, 5

        – more than 50%, 4

         – less than 50%, -4

         – irrelevant. -ten

12) Considered elected:

       – more than 60%, 5

       – from 50 to 60%, 4

       – less than 50% (minus), -5

       – does not matter (minus), -10

13) Restrictions for entering Parliament and other elected bodies and positions: (for each body)

       – above the share of voters, -5

        – above the share of participating in the elections, -4

        – equal to the share of electors, 4

         – irrelevant. one


         – ONE (VOL. COMMISSION) (minus), – 5

          – two (elect. commission and employees of the issuance of votes, independently of each

              from a friend), 4

          – three (plus a public independent party commission with the right to file a lawsuit against the election results), 10

15) Verification of the counting of votes (for each type of election):

       – there are two commissions 3

       – there are 3 commissions 5

        – no reconciliation (minus) -5

        – no access to computers (to election sites), minus -10

16) Conditions for the nomination of candidates:

             (for each type of election)

         – resignation from the position of state work forever 5

         – during the election 0

         – no care (minus) -10

   17) Election conditions:

          – at election: has no right to occupy any other posts except elective (for each type) 4

            -has the right to return to non-public positions 0

           – has the right to any government posts -5

     18) Responsibility before the law (for each type):

           – no immunity

           – loses immunity with the permission of the

              elected body 1

           – inviolability -4

19) The number of parties participating in the elections:

        – 1 lot (minus) -10

        – 2 batches -3

        – 3 batches 1

        – more than 3 batches 2

         – more than 10 batches 4

         – no restrictions 5

And now we will consider all (POSSIBLE) indicators of democracy in the country.

                  Table number 2

Election systems.

1. Availability of free institutions:

A) General purpose schools:

            – no restrictions for state schools 10

             – partially (there are restrictions for state schools) 1 -5

              – the presence of other free schools (private, pacifist, etc.) +2

          B) medical institutions:

               – state 100%, no restrictions 10

                – there are restrictions 2

                – other +2

           C) Special secondary institutions:

               – in all without restrictions and exams 10

               – with limitations or exams 1-5

               – others, not including religious + 2

                – religious general education +1

             D) Higher y / c:

                 – without restrictions (without exams and others) 10

                  – with limitations (exams) 5

                – the presence of other than religious +2

                – religious +1

        c) Other free +2

     3. Restrictions on departure:

         A) on tourism and sport:

             – a lot of ban -5

             – partial bans -2

             – there is no prohibition and there wasn’t during the year 5

      B) By business:

           – a lot of -5

            – partially -2

            – there are no prohibitions and there haven’t been them during the year 5

    4. Restrictions on entry:

       – a lot of -5

        – partially -2

        – there are no bans 5

5. Restrictions on professions or other activities: the same positions and points.

6. Availability of state:

     A) Pensions:

         – 100% of the population, without restrictions 5

          – benefits for harmful work and others (for each type) +2

          – privileges for elected positions (for each level) – 1

          – limited contingent 1

          – minor restrictions 3

     B) Benefits:

         – covers all necessary social layers 5

          – there are some limitations 3

          – big restrictions -3

          – for elective positions (for each level) -1

C) Work benefits, labor protection, etc .:

     – full coverage 3

    – minor restrictions 2

     – partial coverage 1

     – missing -3

7. The presence of a professional army:

     – full 1

     – partial (50 to 50%) 3

     – missing 2

8. The presence of trade unions:

     – full coverage 3

     – incomplete 2

     – partial (less than 30% of jobs or employees) 1

9. The presence of enterprise councils:

    – no one in the country – 15

    – partially (less than 30%) without limitations 3

    – there are partly with the restriction of leadership positions 5

     – there are more than 50% of enterprises without restrictions 5

     – there are more than 50% with restrictions


     – more than 90% unlimited 10

      – more than 90% with limited managers 15

10. The presence of legislation on the internment of citizens:

      A) there is legislation -2

       B) there are cases:

            – frequent (the largest in the world) -5

            – rare -2

             – there is not a single case in the last year 2

11. Deprivation of liberty for political reasons:

      – frequent -5

       – average -3

      – rare -2

       – hidden -2

       – There have been no cases in the last year 5

    If the country has less than 50% of the maximum possible in a given country, then such a country can be called undemocratic, if more than 60% is democratic, if more than 80%, the sapper is democratic, i.e. highly civilized or harmonious, if from 50 to 60%, then it is minimally democratic.

     If the reader tries to calculate for his country or any other, he will be convinced that at the moment there is not a single country in the world that could be considered at least a little democratic, that is, our civilization requires a radical restructuring to become at least a little democratic, especially highly civilized or harmonious.

      Of course, the indicators are very approximate and can cause huge disputes and discussions, but in general, the author considers them as possibly applicable.

      THE AUTHOR TRIED TO COMPARE ON THESE INDICATORS TWO COUNTRIES: RUSSIA and the USA, and derived scores that are approximately the same, but of course they are still far from real democracy. And there and there (in the USA and the Russian Federation) there is no democracy as such: in the Russian Federation, the bureaucracy commands and benefits from housing offices to governors and regional and federal ministers, in the US, four satanic families of Rockefeller, Rothschild, Morgan and Dupont, and they are drawn to, but cannot reach, as the above-mentioned families of Fords, Kennedy, Bushev and some others categorically do not give them this, that is – big business united into the ruling in USA in Banderveli Club, and on a global scale – several more clubs, but the most terrible, the most satanic are the indicated first three families, each of which strives for a single world domination, which leads modern world civilization to the death of humanity.

      And the entire state bureaucracy, starting from the president and ending with the small state clerk, are servants of these families.

      And now let’s go through all the indicators and “create” theoretically at this stage the most democratic country (society), the one that can and should be created at this stage in the development of our civilization.

      Elections to central bodies take place under a mixed system (50 to 50%), and in single-seat constituencies, parties are strictly forbidden to intervene, for this they are subject to huge fines, up to the closure of the party and not allowing its leadership to political activity. Candidates from these districts themselves are nominated either at the place of primary work or residence and only, without any signatures, only a health certificate at any clinic, no fees, all expenses are at the expense of the state and are the same for all candidates.

      The head of state is elected by direct vote of the entire population of the country, votes against are also considered and. if a candidate gets the largest number of those who voted, he is eliminated for 5-10 years from the elections.

      All prosecutors, chairmen of judges of all levels and heads of local (city and district) police are elected by direct vote for 3-5 years and with three times continuous elections remain until retirement in these positions.

       The leaders of the territories, their parliaments and governments are elected only by direct vote in single-mandate constituencies. Elections of district and city Soviets and executive bodies are also elected by direct vote of voters according to the principle: where you live (at least 3 years) you are elected there. Service apartments for elected bodies at all levels are canceled and can only be for support staff.

      Thus, we maximally limit the influence of parties, and therefore the rich strata, and the bureaucracy on elections, and hence the influence of money and power.

      The country is dominated by universal public education at all four levels and incomplete secondary education (gymnasium for 9 grades) and vocational schools without exams are compulsory. At other levels, free, but with exams, education. The country has access to free medical care of various kinds.

    Most small businesses, firms, shops, etc. – private and cooperative, medium – collective, with a dividend (CJSC and indivisible property.

      The minimum wage is at the level not of the minimum, but of the average subsistence level, since the woman’s pregnancy the state pays for each child half of the average subsistence level and the non-payment of elements and taxes is considered the biggest crime in the country. They are subject to forced labor and confiscation.

      The country operates almost everywhere piece-premium salary of state, especially regulatory, authorities and services. Most orphanages, boarding schools and other institutions should be located in elite areas, in confiscated houses, cottages and villas. All schools and other, state and non-state firms, etc., etc. have gyms, playgrounds, stadiums, winter gyms.

            In all industries there are at least three firms competing with each other: state-owned (or with predominantly state property and shares), collective and private. As for Russia, the main direction should be directed to the different directions.

      Why in Russia – the largest amount of wood, but not the most massive and fashionable furniture, the largest number of precious stones and metals, and not the largest bidding? Why are thousands of cities empty, and big cities, especially Moscow, are overcrowded to the limit?

      Why are the toughest and most numerous bureaucratic delays to the former citizens of the USSR, and the confusion with guest workers and residents and workers from these republics flourishes? Laws must be softened and made more natural. Any too tough prohibition only causes corruption, especially if the regulatory authorities do not have an SPOT.

      It is necessary to reallocate taxes in favor of local authorities. Only a part of import-export taxes and fees should go to the federal budget, taxes on fuel and environmental materials and taxes should be paid to territorial budgets, and income taxes should be paid to local budgets approximately in this proportion: 25% of all revenues – to the Federal budget, 25% in territorial and not less than 50% in local budgets: city, district, village and village.

      And the main thing is that all prices follow world oil prices. It is necessary to choose strategic export production. Taxes on exports and imports are regulated by the Federal Government, but must be in favor of the manufacturer.

      The scandalous case, when the Arkhangelsk diamond-mining complex, in which the state invested about a billion dollars, was unprofitable and all because the governor and the official from the ministry put their intermediate firm before the state export and took all the profit of the manufacturer. Therefore, the state should regulate in advance the distribution of export duties (incomes) between a producer, an intermediary firm, and it is better that there be no bureaucrats at all at the expense of the producer, and an export (in this case, a state-owned firm).

      Even if you have a good President, but not a system, you can’t create a little bit progressive, let alone a civilized and harmonious state and society. In Russia, the most bureaucratic systems have been created, in which the bureaucrat, the businessman, and financial and economic crime are united in one person.

      We have already reviewed and noted how to deal with them: transfer of controlling organizations for piecework, ministries and other departments for bonus payment, and export-import firms for self-financing.


      To do this, as noted earlier, it is necessary for most enterprises in the country to go to a company with the participation of the STATE from 10 to 90%, the other PART of ENTERPRISES – without state participation, in the collective ownership of the enterprise.

      But, now, back to international affairs. 80% of US capital is owned by American clans (Rothschilds, Rockenfellers (Rockefellers), Dupons and Morgans), who own or at least control majority stakes in major US companies up to 50% of the world’s total capital and almost 90% of the total world code.

      Representatives of these transnational firms dominate the Senate, Congress, and the US government, and not only in the US. All of them are united (are members) by the Bendarvel club, the number of which never exceeds 100 people. Various senators, congressmen and even US presidents who serve them faithfully come and go there.

      Thus, it can be said that the USA AND THE WORLD ARE NOT MANAGED BY PEOPLE IN THE OFFICIAL STRUCTURES, they are only servants of clans and firms, but are essentially controlled by the mafia organization, and the USA is the main mafia country of the world.

      So, in 2015, the Rothschilds clan invested several billion dollars in Ukraine by buying controlling stakes in a company exporting agricultural products, and through the son of US Secretary of State, D. Carey received the right to mine shale in the north of Donbass.

      Therefore, in order to make significant changes in any country, it is necessary to begin this in the UN and other international organizations.

Course lectures number 2

The main mover of progress.

                                                                              “I know that poetry is nothing;

                                                                                That only science is an effective force. ”

                                                                             (DG Byron, Don Juan. Canto 10 verse 3)

      From the scheme (1) we see that only activities in the field of science and invention always act in the direction of the vector of progress.

      Of course, with the time of the invention of the first bronze ax, when it was possible to cut down a tree or kill people with an ax, but, nevertheless, it became possible to build houses en masse, the progress of mankind began, but, truth, a forced form *. And even in the twentieth century, especially in its first half, most of science went to military preparations, but, nevertheless, there is practically no invention or discovery in science that would not benefit a person, and bad decisions are made by politicians.

      We already know well that there is practically no production without harmful consequences, and in this sense, production does not follow the path of complete progress.

      * – see the author’s book for more details. “Ways of 21st Century Evolution”

 In order for this to be, it is necessary that it be either completely waste-free or with full recycling. And there is no fault of scientists and inventors, designers and builders, and the guilt of those who make the decision: managers and politicians, since all current technologies allow you to make a completely waste-free environmentally friendly clean production.

      It is clear that not all art acts in the direction of progress, there are even such works of “art” that make a normal person sick of them: such as a cartoon about poop. If they had told more about the processes of internal digestion or about other medical issues, or about their fertilizers, then such cartoons could be endured somehow, but they tell about the love of poop.

      As for the media and politicians, as a rule, they go side by side, and, as a rule, express the interests of the ruling classes, certain strata and clans, so they can be 20-25 percent truthful. There is not a single media, so that it does not conceal the information by 50%, OR, AT THE EXTREME CASE, SHOWED ONLY THE GOOD PARTIES OF THEIR OWNERS.

Therefore, the mass media and politicians mostly do little for the progress of humanity.

      State institutions and local self-government workers, even if they ideally fulfill their duties and laws, they are conservative, since they have just published a law, even the most advanced, it is becoming outdated every day and, as a rule, central and local authorities are pulling in different directions, first of all, money – only for its budgets, from which the effectiveness of decisions suffers, and therefore progress. We are not talking about corruption, bribery and the theft of budget money.

      But the main conservative are the central or more precisely, higher bodies. Unfortunately, it so happened historically that the central authorities of any country possess at least 60% of the budget (public) money, regional money is two times less, and local – no more than 10-15%. And in a harmonious society, everything should be the other way around.

      And then the overwhelming number of settlements would now be in the amount of 50-150 thousand people and there would not be today’s thousands of poorly developed small villages, villages and small towns, and even farms.

      Of course, those local deputies (and it is necessary that at all deputy levels, half of the deputies would be non-liberated employees of elected bodies and then they would not climb behind the chairs, fame and money, but would study only progressive laws in their free time, with deputy salaries, in half less than the current), which are not released from their post to the deputy position, the deputies will (must be) the most progressive part of state power.

      So it was in the Soviet Union and the countries of people’s democracy, only they (the deputies) were formal and for them everything was decided by the central government, one party and the higher leadership.

      There is no doubt that religion at this stage of human development, and always earlier,

 there is a relic of the past of imperfect consciousness and the level of science, and is the exact opposite of science, although it has a small positive effect: it tries to educate people as little as possible with smaller sins, that is, make as few negative things as possible, but all this is based on the fear of hell. Therefore, can not be considered normal.

      But, if some person sinned a lot, and then came to church or even built it, then the rest should forgive him: deception, rudeness, theft, or, especially, murder? And the church has nothing to do with it: the thug should be in prison, and the thief – expropriated, etc., etc.

      So, in summary, it can be stated that in today’s societies (in any 

            So, summing up, it can be stated that in today’s societies (in any country), those who drive the progress of humanity (civilization) in the most correct way (see chart 1) are the most offended segments of society.

      First, ideas and formulas can be stolen very easily, and inventions still have intelligence and theft services. As a rule, nobody knows about real talents and geniuses (with rare exceptions), especially on a global scale. Who knows the inventor of the personal computer from the USSR Gorokhov and the American who brought this idea to life and received only 50 thousand dollars and left for the wilderness, and his invention Bill Geyts and a friend were sold to IBM FOR MILLION DOLLARS and now Geytsa is called a computer genius, although geniuses in computers were completely different people?

      Who knows the Soviet inventor of the mobile phone Kupriyanovich, who created and used it 15 years before America? Who knows another Soviet genius, who for 10 years tried to include the invention of digital television in his work plan, while the Japanese did not apply his idea in the field of photographic equipment and many others? Even the author of this book has forgotten the name of this genius, although in the eighties of the last century he had been pursuing a decade from the USSR Academy of Sciences of MEANS TO DEVELOP HIS INVENTION.

     Therefore, in a civilized society, the legislation in the field of science and invention must be radically changed: in patents for invention in any firm

all inventors must be indicated and, if the patent is registered for the firm, then such a patent must be valid (retained by the firm) for no more than 5 years, more precisely, after five years, each of the inventors whose last name is indicated in the patent must have the right to dispose , as his own, and transfer to any other economic agent or person.

      Such a law, of course, must be adopted at the level of the International Organization for the Protection of Intellectual Property (MOOIS) and approved by the United Nations for mandatory implementation by all countries. In case of violations – heavy fines in the MOOIS BUDGET.

      Can the world community now do this? Of course, there is not and, above all, they will be against it – large firms that mercilessly use the work of scientists and inventors and receive large profits from it, paying the latter, just a miser. This is not just the injustice and not civilization of modern society, but also its ugliness, which does not allow civilization to develop in the right direction. The current MARKET-CAPITAL-LISTIC CIVILIZATION WILL DIE, WILL DISAPPEAR, DESTROY, AND DAYS AND ALL MANKIND, AND CAN AND OUR MOTHER EARTH, if not to bring order here on a global scale.

      Here we must dwell on the fact that Russia has not yet joined the MOOIS and only recently began to observe the rules for the protection of intellectual property in the field of electronic information. The relevant government agencies explain this by saying that it is not profitable for Russia, since Russian companies and the state will have to pay a lot of money for all modern and old inventions.

      But Russia can prove that many old inventions appeared when a MOOIS did not exist, such as dynamite, electronic TV and many, many others that humankind still uses, were invented in Russia and they rightfully belong to it, and This means that she and the authors, on the contrary, now have to pay. We are no longer talking about the inventions of the USSR, whose receiver is Russia, which was stolen by a lot: digital television (as well as the idea of ??digital technology itself, which Japanese firms adopted for digital cameras), a personal computer, an AC transformer ?? , a wire with high-temperature (-90C) superconductivity, without which not one elementary particle accelerator, including the Large Hadron Deck (TANK) in Cerne, and many others, now works.

       Russian intellectual property authorities either lack knowledge in this field, or they are bribed by someone in government circles and they play in the interests of the West. This is because the Committee on Science and Technology of the Russian Federation has no material interest and incentive to protect the interests of Russia and its inventors and firms, and maybe even foreign dealers bribe the relevant persons, senior officials, including in the Government of the Russian Federation.

But, if there had been a (not yet existing) law on the transfer of ownership rights to authors in a maximum of 5 years, then there would be no such trouble, but there would be an accelerated, harmonious development of our civilization.

      In a civilized society, there should be freedom of movement not only of capital and labor, but of information and intellectual property, as the most important engines of modern harmonious progress.

       And those who create intellectual capital should be the richest and most famous people of a civilized society, not managers and owners of money capital. Money capital is a form of expansion of production and the appropriation of new, surplus, value of this expanded production, and intellectual property and intellectual capital is a form of the movement of progress and its correct and sustainable movement.

       AND THEN THE SPEED OF TECHNICAL PROGRESS WILL INCREASE AND ITS COST WILL DECREASE. We will discuss its quality in the next chapter.

СХЕМА 1 Действия секторов общества (схема лектора) – SCHEME 1 The actions of the sectors of society (lecturer scheme)

Общество, страна, цивилизация – Society, country, civilization


Ingenuity, VECTOR PROGRESS, science, industry, iskussva AND LITERATURE, MEDIA AND POLITIKAMESTNOE GOVERNMENT AND LOCAL AUTHORITIES, ideology and media, religion, ideology and media, government institutions, state institutions,

Схема 2 – Scheme 2

Действие основных профессий различных секторов – The action of the main occupations of various sectors


SCIENTISTS, VECTOR PROGRESS, inventors, businessmen, engineers, workers, farmers, art and literature, politicians and journalists, unreleased local MPs, local MP POSTS,, JOURNALISTS, EMPLOYEES art and literature, Philosophy of Religion and KRELIKARY, journalists, unreleased GOSDEPUTATY , STATE DEPARTMENTS IN POSTS.

Lecture number 3

Events required for the implementation of the New World Politics.


Much is said about globalization: about its necessity, usefulness, efficiency, etc., but in reality there is only globalization of capital, i.e. unimpeded penetration, functioning, protection of capital, and mostly large, and mostly American, but nothing else is done for other sides of globalization: the free movement of goods, especially labor, intellectual property, and especially for their protection, including to create international legislation and international institutions, as well as international forces to comply with financial, environmental and social norms, which in addition still do not exist, but there are only national ones that contradict each other gu

            All participants in the MFES are so poor, except for large banks, that they cannot create normal economic conditions: both during production and during transportation and sale of goods not only from environmental and social disasters, but also from financial and economic disasters, fires, from simple primitive pirates and great danger from international terrorism.

            Due to the low incomes of local budgets, since most of them flow into large banks, the level of urban and social infrastructure in the so-called developing countries, with rare exceptions, in Africa, Latin America and low wages in the countries of the former socialist camp is very low. All this is aggravated by the corruption of local officials fostered by the West and the brutal exploitation of the bourgeois capitalists who do not respect the elementary economic rights of wage labor, especially guest workers.

            Moreover, having brought the financial and credit system to a deep global crisis, as a result of which not one trillion of clients’ funds were lost, the majority of bankers resigned, writing themselves bonus bonuses for “good work” for millions of dollars, and even from state loans to get out of the crisis, which indicates a complete not only economic, but also moral degradation of modern oligarchs and their managers and the entire banking system.

            Therefore, for real globalization, it is necessary not to shame bankers, but to create permanent international financial and economic institutions and forces: environmental, fire, police, financial, controlling future international legislation. And all this can be created under the auspices of the UN.

            There is nothing of all this, which means there can be no normal MFES. But the largest banks and the “emperor of the dollar empire”, the US Federal Financial Reserve System, will oppose all this, since it was she who, starting from the Marshall plan of 1946 to 2008, used MFES for the first time mercilessly exploiting half the world /1946-1991g./, and then the whole world. And they, the owners of the US Federal Reserve System, will never agree to the proposed changes in the MFES, much less radical, i.e. for full control of the MFES through the UN, but this does not mean that the rest of the world should sit and wait: when the complete collapse of the MFES and the entire modern market-private oligarchic system, and maybe the death of the entire modern civilization, comes.

            In the 30s of the last century, during the Great Depression in the United States, and more specifically, the deepest economic and political crisis and pre-revolutionary situation, the American scientist Keynes proposed a market policy for regulating macro-processes in the country by regulating supply and demand and intermediate leverage in the form of -% bank loan.

            After President Roosevelt’s titanic efforts to stimulate production and social protection of the population, the country began to emerge from the crisis, and the looming war further stimulated production. Then the war, the post-war reconstruction of destroyed Western Europe and Japan with the help of American capital of fictitious and real capital, as well as the arms race during the Cold War, stimulated production and therefore catastrophic crises, despite the antagonistic nature of the MESE, did not occur.

             But only the first treaties between the USSR and the USA on the limitation of strategic weapons were concluded, as it broke out at the beginning in the West, the so-called energy crisis, and then in the east, the so-called “stagnation”.

            Thus, the energy crisis of the 70s, a series of local and less devastating crises of the 80s and 90s in the world and the global financial and economic crisis of the first decade of the 21st century showed that managing the economy only through the regulation of% for credit suffered a major fiasco and at least requires a large operational / controlling / and strategic / conscious / intervention of the state and international economic and political institutions in the activities of the financial and economic system, as individually countries and globally.

              But only the first treaties between the USSR and the USA on the limitation of strategic weapons were concluded, as it broke out at the beginning in the West,

the so-called energy crisis, and then in the east, the so-called “stagnation”.

            Thus, the energy crisis of the 70s, a series of local and less devastating crises of the 80s and 90s in the world and the global financial and economic crisis of the first decade of the 21st century showed that managing the economy only through the regulation of% for credit suffered a major fiasco and at least requires a large operational / controlling / and strategic / conscious / intervention of the state and international economic and political institutions in the activities of the financial and economic system, as individually countries and globally.

              Therefore, according to the author, both Keynesianism of the West, and especially the economic policy of the United States, require their fundamental change for their own self-preservation. They require the implementation and reformation of the MEP in all areas. Summarizing, we can briefly determine further the need for the following activities.

1.Political measures.

a) the creation of an advisory council first, and then an executive council / government / with the UN:

            – joining on a voluntary basis of all current international / world / organizations to the UN Government:

WTO, WHO, IAEA, Interpol, ASEAN, the Arab League and all others,

            – the creation of new departments under the UN Government: ecology and others,

            c) the creation of a unicameral World Parliament at the UN:

     1.Political events

 – elections for each country according to its largest administrative units by nationality,

             – creation in this Parliament of world norms binding for all countries / international legislation / in the field of politics, economics, ecology, etc.

            d) the subordination of the IMF and the World Bank to the shareholders and the IMF,

            f) introduction of the obligation to fulfill UN decisions, after their approval by 80% of votes, of the veto of the permanent members of the Security Council at the UN should be abolished,

            g) the introduction of administrative and economic sanctions on the heads of states, officials of the state and the governments of the states / state budgets themselves / for non-compliance with UN decisions.

                 h) Creation of special permanent troops at the UN: international economic, criminal / Interpolo / and environmental police.

         2. Administrative arrangements.

            a) the creation of parliamentary and executive bodies in each country, controlling the proper functioning of the FES in accordance with international law,

            b) creation at production economic agents / PEA /

/ or to give these functions to trade unions / Councils of enterprises that could control and defend the interests of the collective of this enterprise directly in the sectors of the real economy and vest them with such real powers:

            – determining a vote of no confidence in managers and managers of the enterprise,

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