Most of the ideas, scientific developments and applications for inventions presented in the lectures were from 1979 to 2007. the author of the lectures.
You can meet and study the lectures of this faculty in any order.
It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the lectures in the order shown below.
Lecture number 1 The main mover of progress
Lecture number 2 The basic principle of invention
Lecture number 3 Principles in Automotive Engineering
LECTURE COURSE NUMBER 14 Interstellar and planetary aircraft
LECTURE 1. About flying saucers, UFOs and aliens
LECTURE 2. Space plane
LECTURE 3. Interstellar and intergalactic electric magnetic jet engine on a cosmic neutrino (non-fuel engine).
LECTURE COURSE 16 Ideas of Inventions:
– Lecture number 1 Original Automotive
– Lecture No. 2 Rw. magnetic cushion transport of the 22nd century.
– Lecture No. 3 Buildings and structures on the CEE
– Lecture No. 4 of the computer of the future
– Lecture No. 5 New designs of marine boats.
– Lecture No. 6 Other industries in perspective
LECTURE COURSE NUMBER 11 Creating a biological robot and the theory of neutrino ether vortices (TNEV).
LECTURE COURSE 6 Future vehicles, buildings and structures flint electricity (SFE).
LECTURE CORSE 1 New Theteoretical Physics for inventors of the 3rd millennium.
– LECTURE 1. Theory of vortexes of the neutrino ether (TVNE).
– LECTURE 2. The physical nature of heat processes and their explanation in TVNE.
– LECTURE 3. Unified theory of the physical world.
– LECTURE 4. Explanation of some physical phenomena inexplicable by classical physical theory.
LECTURE COURSE 7 A brief history of mankind (in pictures).
Lecture 1. Brief history of Eurasia
Lecture 2. Aeneolithic (copper age)
Lecture 3.Cruel (class exploiting)period of the history of society
Lecture 4 Early antiquity. Bronze Age (II – III millennium BC)
Lecture 5 Ancient civilization.
Lecture 6 Steppes of Eurasia in the Middle Ages
Lecture 7. Eastern Slavs in the Middle Ages
Lecture 8. Other examples of natural economic laws in the history of society
Lecture 9. The development of mankind over the past 150 years
LEVTURE COURSE №3 World civilization: evolution or death?
Lecture 1 The action of the basic dialectic and economic laws and laws in modern society.
Lecture 2 Man-made impact on global climate change. Who is guilty of this and how to prevent it?
Lecture 3. The global financial and economic system: reformation or death?
Lecture 4 The measures taken by the leading countries of the world and their insufficiency in reforming the IFES.
Lecture 5. Other methods of improving harmony in world civilization
Lecture 6. The main activities necessary for a radical improvement of harmony in society.
Lecture 7. Ways of evolution of the 21st century.
Lecture courses see in a paid file «COURSES of LECTURES IESU»
At the faculty it is advisable to get acquainted with the lectures in the order indicated above.
The author of the lecture has already reported that he tried to register many of the ideas of his inventions in the early 80s of the last century, but after he stole one of the most outstanding inventions from him, namely, the design of an environmentally friendly CHP, and then the idea of an environmentally friendly internal combustion engine (see section “Auto”), which saved mankind from the main harmful emissions, carbon monoxide (CO) emissions into the atmosphere by current cars, it stopped submitting applications, but the truth for all this time is only one idea (out of about 100) the invention was brought to life even independently of the author (the idea of extinguishing forest fires with the help of a directional explosion, carried out in the USA, while extinguishing forest fires in California).
And here, he sent his idea of a direct-flow jet engine on high-frequency currents and explosives (WFD on HDTV and BB) to the USSR Politburo and NASA, but it turned out to be useless. But recently, in 2018, the author stole the development (detailed calculations and diagrams) not only of this engine, but also of the Gyrostabilized aircraft (GLA or simply “Flying saucer”) and the Space Elevator for transmission to American ambassadors or other representatives of the USA.
Thus, if sometime at NASA talk about plans in this area, the reader-student of MEOUU can be sure that the main calculations, schemes and ideas in these and many other areas are stolen from the author of this lecture, see the book by I.V. Rizov “Jet engines and aircraft of the future” and “100 ideas for the most talented inventors published back in 2006-7.
But the author is neither the first nor the last in this matter, and he even wants to write a book on this topic “About imaginary and real geniuses”, whose plan was sketched at the end of the last century.
Lecture number 1
The main mover of progress.
“I know that poetry is nothing;
That only science is an effective force. ”
(DG Byron, Don Juan. Canto 10, verse 3)
From scheme (1) we see that only activities in the field of science and invention always act in the direction of the vector of progress.
Of course, over time, the invention of the first bronze ax, when it was possible to chop a tree or kill people with an ax, but, nevertheless, it became possible to build houses on a massive scale, the progress of humanity began, but, truth, in a violent form *. And even in the twentieth century, especially in its first half, most of the science went to military preparations, but, nevertheless, there is practically no invention or discovery in science that would not benefit the person, and bad decisions are made by politicians.
We already know well that there is practically no production without harmful consequences, and in this sense, production does not follow the path of complete progress.
* – for more details, see the book of I.V. Rizov “Ways of Evolution of the 21st Century”
In order for this to be, it is necessary that it be either completely waste-free or with full recycling. And there is no fault of scientists and inventors, designers and builders, and the guilt of those who make the decision: managers and politicians, since all current technologies allow making completely waste-free environmentally friendly production that is absolutely clean.
It is clear that not all art acts in the direction of progress, there are even such works of “art” that make a normal person sick of them: like a cartoon about poop. If they told more about the processes of internal digestion or about other medical issues, or about their fertilizers, then such cartoons could be endured somehow, but they tell about the love of poop.
As for the media and politicians, as a rule, they go side by side, and, as a rule, express the interests of the ruling classes, certain strata and clans, so they can be 20-25 percent true. There is not a single media, so that it does not conceal information by 50%, OR, AT THE EXTREME CASE, SHOWED ONLY THE GOOD PARTIES OF ITS OWNERS.
Therefore, the mass media and politicians mostly do little for the progress of mankind. And the so-called independence of mass media, unfortunately, is never such. They can become so if there is a full diversity of them, which is unrealistic because of financial means and poor democracy in any country (see lecture number 1 at the New World Politics faculty)
State institutions and local government workers, even if they ideally fulfill their duties and laws, they are conservative, since they have just published a law, even the most advanced, it is already becoming obsolete every day and, as a rule, central and local authorities are pulling in different directions, first of all, money – only for its budgets, from which the effectiveness of decisions, and therefore progress, suffers. We are not talking about corruption, bribery and the theft of budget money. Thus, the better state and local bodies work, the more stable is society.
But the main conservative are the central or more precisely, higher bodies. Unfortunately, it so happened historically that the central authorities of any country have at least 60% of the budget (public) money, the regional is two times less, and the local – no more than 10-15%. And in a harmonious society, everything should be the other way around.
And then the overwhelming number of settlements would now be in the amount of 50-150 thousand people and there would not be today’s thousands of poorly organized small villages, villages and towns, and even farms.
Now, in any country, especially in the West, large firms and their owners, including especially the owners of the largest US banks, the Rothschild FAMILIES, Rockefellers (Rockenfellers) and Morgans, which control 80% of the total US capital, are cashing in. NUMBER AND PRODUCTION (of the largest multinational firms), they own about 40% of this capital and control about 50% of the world capital.
Of course, those local deputies (and it is necessary that at all deputy levels, half of the deputies would be non-liberated employees of elected bodies and then they would not climb behind the chairs, fame and money, but would study only progressive laws in their free time, with deputy salaries, in half more than the current), which, not exempted from their deputies to deputy positions, will (should be) the most progressive part of state power.
So it was in the Soviet Union and the countries of people’s democracy, only they (the deputies) were formal and for them everything was decided by the central government, one party and the higher leadership.
There is no doubt that religion at this stage of human development, and always earlier,
there is a relic of the past of imperfect consciousness and the level of science, and is the complete opposite of science, although it has a small positive effect: it tries to educate people as much as possible with lesser sins, i.e. commit as few negative things as possible, but all this is based on the fear of hell. Therefore, can not be considered normal.
But, if a person sinned a lot, and then came to church or even built it, then the rest should forgive him: deception, rudeness, theft, or, especially, murder? And the church has nothing to do with it: the thug should be in prison, and the thief – dispossessed, and so on and so forth.
So, summing up, it can be stated that in today’s societies (in any country), those who drive the progress of humanity (civilization) in the most correct way (see chart 1) are the most offended segments of society.
First, ideas and formulas can be stolen very easily, and inventions still have intelligence and theft services. As a rule, nobody knows about real talents and geniuses (with rare exceptions), especially on a global scale. Who knows the inventor of the personal computer from the USSR Gorokhov and the American who brought this idea to life and received only 50 thousand dollars and left for the wilderness, and his invention Bill Geyts and a friend were sold to IBM FOR MILLION DOLLARS and now Geytsa is called a computer genius, although geniuses in computers were completely different people?
Who knows the Soviet inventor of the mobile phone Kupriyanovich, who created and used it 15 years before America? Who knows another Soviet genius, who for 10 years tried to include the invention of digital television in his work plan, while the Japanese did not apply his idea in the field of photographic equipment and many others? Even the author of this book has forgotten the name of this genius, although in the eighties of the last century he had been seeking from the USSR Academy of Sciences MEANS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF HIS DIGITAL INVENTION for a decade.
Therefore, in a civilized society, it is necessary to fundamentally change the legislation in the field of science and invention: in invention patents in any company should indicate all participants of invention and. If a patent is registered with a firm, then such a patent must be valid (retained by the firm) for no more than 5 years, or rather, after five years, each of the participants in an invention whose last name is indicated in the patent must have the right to dispose of it as his own any other economic agent or person.
Such a law, of course, must be adopted at the level of the International Organization for the Protection of Intellectual Property (MOOIS) and approved by the United Nations for mandatory implementation by all countries. In case of violations – heavy fines in the MOOIS BUDGET.
Can the world community now do this? Of course, there is not and, above all, they will be against it – large firms that mercilessly use the work of scientists and inventors and receive large profits from it, paying the latter, just a miser. This is not just the injustice and not civilization of modern society, but also its ugliness, which does not allow civilization to develop in the right direction. The current MARKET-CAPITAL CIVILIZATION WILL FALL, WILL DISAPPEAR, DESTROY, AND DAYS AND ALL MANKIND, AND CAN AND OUR MOTHER EARTH, if not to bring order here on a global scale.
Here we must dwell on the fact that Russia has not yet joined the MOOIS and only recently began to observe the rules for the protection of intellectual property in the field of electronic information. The relevant government agencies explain this by saying that it is not profitable for Russia, since Russian companies and the state will have to pay a lot of money for all modern and old inventions.
But Russia can prove that many old inventions appeared when a MOOIS did not exist, such as dynamite, electronic TV and many, many others that humankind still uses, were invented in Russia and they rightfully belong to it, and This means that she and the authors, on the contrary, now have to pay. We are not talking about the inventions of the USSR, whose receiver is Russia, which was stolen by a lot: digital television (like the idea of digital technology itself, which Japanese firms adopted for digital cameras), a personal computer, Yablochkin’s AC transformer, high-temperature wire (- 90C) superconductivity, without which not one elementary particle accelerator, including the Large Hadron Deck (LHC) at Cerne, and many others, now works.
Russian intellectual property authorities either lack knowledge in this field, or they are bribed by someone in government circles and they play in the interests of the West. This is because the Committee on Science and Technology of the Russian Federation has no material interest and incentive to protect the interests of Russia and its inventors and firms, and maybe even foreign dealers bribe the relevant persons, senior officials, including in the Government of the Russian Federation.
СХЕМА 1 Действия секторов общества (схема лектора)
Общество, страна, цивилизация
SCHEME 1 The actions of the sectors of society (lecturer scheme)
Society, country, civilization
Ingenuity, VECTOR PROGRESS, science, industry, iskussva AND LITERATURE, MEDIA AND POLITIKAMESTNOE GOVERNMENT AND LOCAL AUTHORITIES, ideology and media, religion, ideology and media, government institutions, state institutions,
But, if there had been a (not yet existing) law on the transfer of ownership rights to authors in a maximum of 5 years, then there would be no such trouble, but there would be an accelerated, harmonious development of our civilization.
In a civilized society, there should be freedom of movement not only of capital and labor, but of information and intellectual property, as the most important engines of modern harmonious progress.
Схема 2
Действие основных профессий различных секторов
Scheme 2
The action of the main occupations of various sectors
SCIENTISTS, VECTOR PROGRESS, inventors, businessmen, engineers, workers, farmers, art and literature, politicians and journalists, unreleased local MPs, local MP POSTS,, JOURNALISTS, EMPLOYEES art and literature, Philosophy of Religion and KRELIKARY, journalists, unreleased GOSDEPUTATY , STATE DEPARTMENTS IN POSTS.
And those who create intellectual capital should be the richest and most famous people of a civilized society, and not the managers and owners of money capital. Money capital is a form of expansion of production and the appropriation of new, surplus, value of this expanded production, and intellectual property and intellectual capital is a form of the movement of progress and its correct and sustainable movement.
Lecture number 2
PRINCIPLES OF INVENTION (in any field and industry)
The MAIN PRINCIPLE of creating an invention is to find a flaw in the object of the invention and eliminate it.
And then, the more significant the disadvantage and the more it is eliminated, the more essential the invention.
Example 1. The main drawback of an aerostat is its large volume, when landing (and wind) it is difficult to land.
Hence, in order to make the invention it is necessary to make a decrease in the volume of the balloon during landing. How to do it? Think inventor.
Example 2. The main flaw in gas-turbine jet aircraft engines (GTD WFD) is the subsonic speed of combustion of fuel in the combustion chamber (the speed of the incoming air flow can be up to 3 Mach, i.e. about 3 thousand km per hour, and the speed of combustion – no more than 400 km. Per hour, which causes stopping (reducing speed) in large (long) engine inlet nozzles intake air flow in order to stop the supersonic flow intake.
It does not give the opportunity to also use direct-flow jet-engines without turbines (ramjet).
Back in 1970 to 1976, NASA carried out fuel ignition experiments at high speeds. But NASA CONSTITUTED that it was impossible.
Ivan Rizov, the Rector of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, wrote a letter to the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, L. Brezhnev, in 1979, with a sketch of how this can be done (see Lecture No. 4). But even now, in the 20s of the 21st century, this cannot be done either in Russia, China, or in any other country.
The author tried to patent this idea back in the 80s of the last century through the official bureaus of two PKTI, but it didn’t work, in the 90s he tried to go to the USA (NASA), BUT HIS FRIENDS RECOVERED, since the engine invented is only applicable installations on intercontinental strategic bombers, since their length is very large, which can fly at any speed, including space speed.
Thus, the author of this idea has developed (in sketches and calculations) a completely space plane, which so far neither NASA, nor Russia, nor China, nor anyone else can do, but he is afraid that not a space plane, which loses missiles in greater complexity, and the bomber.
Thus, over the past 50 years, many billions of years have been spent, but a space plane has not been made so far, it can only be made on the basis of an invented jet engine based on fuel in the form of liquid explosives and igniting (exploding) at HDTV (SEE THE SAME LECTURE ). True, such an aircraft requires a minimum of 30 years and 30 billion dollars (according to the author’s estimates: 50 years and 50 billion dollars), since it is very complex and thus this invention is suitable only for bombers, which the author still does not want .
Therefore, the University asks the person who will give lecture No. 4 not to sell the idea (especially in the USA) until the right time comes.
The second principle of invention: this is the application of new theoretical discoveries.
Example 3. Lecture No. 7 shows the idea of a real electronic computer. Current computers would rightly be called “electrical computers.”
The main drawback of electric VMs is their low response speed (current is -0, current is not 1), and the electron rotation speed around a proton is more than a billion revolutions per second (about 10 to 20 degrees r / s – see Lecture Course No. 1) .
What problems should be solved in this case:
– determine the maximum distance of electron removal in the nucleus of an atom of a nanometall,
– how to register an electron at its maximum distance from the center of the atom’s nucleus, or rather, from its maximum distance from the proton (see the author’s book “Rotational-neutrino theory …” or Lecture Course No. 1),
– in what way, how and where to send this registration, i.e. the principle remains the same (there is a signal, there is no signal), but at higher speeds (a billion times faster.
To understand how to develop them, it is necessary to read a course of lectures from the Faculty of New Theoretical Physics and the more, the better and I think in 5-10 years may be the first ideas in this direction and maybe in 30-40 years the first experienced experiment or instance.
Work is underway to create a so-called quantum computer. But without knowledge of New Theoretical Physics, they (INVENTORS) will hardly be able to do this. Therefore, the spread of the theory of vortexes of the neutrino ether is a condition for further progress not only in the computer, but also in the whole technology and even one can say: civilization.
The following example of the application of the second principle of invention
Example 4. As for the fuel-free space jet engine on the cosmic (ethereal) neutrino (SEE LECTURE No. 4), it can be created not soon, in no less than a few thousand years and only on it will it be possible to fly to other stars. To fly to the nearest star for at least 500 years, and to the required one – for at least 1000 years, at a speed of no more than one thousand kilometers per second (now the maximum speed is 20 km per second). Otherwise, computers will stray (only if they are light, (see Lecture 9) then they will withstand greater speed, but the electric current will stray at a speed of more than 10 thousand km per second .. But for this it is necessary to solve such technical problems:
– create a thermonuclear reactor of enormous power and an absolutely safe size of several kilometers (smaller sizes cannot build a thermonuclear reactor), but rather it is necessary to create a nuclear thermonuclear reactor, i.e. in fact, an artificial sun, and it can only be of enormous size, maybe even the size of the moon,
– create electron quantum computers,
– create light materials for lamination of a nanometals spacecraft with a specific weight of 15–20 times less than that of current metals (nanometals with a specific weight of 4 times less iron, but in grams,
– create materials that slightly transmit the ether (cosmic) neutrino, i.e. on a proton-neutron basis with small orbits of electrons connecting the nuclei,
– create light 10-20 times electromagnetic materials for electromagnetic induction in electromagnetic generators of a neutrino jet engine.
As for a thermonuclear controlled reaction, it will once be done, only it must be done in volumes ten times more than they are trying to do now, and in greater density, and can be immediately with a nuclear backlash.
The hardest thing and no one in the world has done it yet is the creation of a higher density material (a thousand times denser than the current), so as not to miss the etheric (cosmic) neutrino for a reactive space fuel-free (neutrino) engine (BRND). So far there are no ideas in the world how to do this, but without knowledge of the New Theoretical Physics (see Lecture No. 7 of the Faculty of New Theoretical Physics) this seems impossible.
Example 5. In this year, 2018, for the first time a self-plane took off: a hybrid of a car and an airplane, that is, a vehicle that can safely drive on highways and take off from them into the air and fly like an airplane, and then land on the roads. It should be noted that it is made according to the classical and ideal form (design). But the author of these lectures came up with the idea of an autoplane back in the 7th-e years, after the film about Fantomas, but a little bit according to a different scheme and design, which was published back in 2007 (see lecture No. 4).
Example No. 6. The main drawback of high-rise buildings is their great resistance to the wind, which forces them to make a deeper and heavier foundation. Thus arose the idea of aerodynamic houses and mobile floors (see lecture number 6). And for a long time in the city of Orleans and the nearest US states on the Atlantic Ocean, it is necessary to build aerodynamic houses, instead of current, easily assembled cheap houses. Even the bus stops, especially stations, so it is necessary to build.
Example No. 7. The situation of replacing carbon energy with solar energy (see the lectures of the Faculty of World Ecology) has long been overdue, which means a complete replacement of current cars, houses, bridges and even roads, which makes it possible to invent and build over the course of a century:
– a house (building) with a roof and an outer surface of the walls with solar electric power and complete exclusion in household appliances of a device for converting alternating current to mains to direct current in the device, i.e., reducing the cost of their production in two. But for this it is necessary to create one common battery in the house or block.
Even if the railroad embankments are covered with sun-processing coatings, then wagons on magnetic pads with speeds of more than 500 km can ride over them. per hour all over the earth (see the same lectures). Thus, the main direction of work of inventors, designers, builders and, of course, states in the 21st and 22nd centuries – this should be solar energy and technology, i.e. solar infrastructure. Here are two centuries of work.
In this case, not solar panels should be created, but solar products at once: solar-processing building constructions of houses, bridges, roads, plates, metal structures, etc. etc., the benefit of silicon on Earth, as the main element of the solar-processing electrical construction, suffices (3rd place in nature). Deserts with sand on Earth abound.
The main drawback of modern solar power is the processing in panels (batteries). But at the same time, the land costs the same, the support is also approximately equal to the cost of the panel, and the power transmission is the same. If we use sun-processing structures, the cost of electricity will decrease by two, and the cost of devices with direct current will decrease in two (I will be without a transformer). A. IF LOWERING TO MASS PRODUCTION, THE COST OF SOLAR ELECTRIC ENERGY IS COMPARED TO THE COST OF AC CURRENT, THERE WILL NOT BE BURNING HYDROGEN FUEL.
THEREFORE, THE MAIN DIVISE OF INVENTORS AND CONSTRUCTORS IN THE 21 AND 22 CENTURIES SHOULD BE: TURN THE DESERT IN THE FLOWERING GARDENS. But for this you need a comprehensive development of the desert. See the course of lectures on the Faculty of Ecology.
Example 7. The book “100 Ideas for the Most Talented Inventors” was published back in 2007, and only one idea in 10 years OTHERS guessed to bring to life (unfortunately, independently of the author): it is extinguishing a forest fire with an explosion. And, unfortunately, the author did not have the opportunity to publish this book en masse and in many countries: then, perhaps, he would have been given many ideas for implementation.
And, if the technology to extinguish a fire with an explosion is patented in the USA, THERE IS A POSSIBLE TO THEORETICALLY CHALLENGE the novelty and patent, but the author doesn’t have enough money to fight the American bureaucracy for years, but if you know the address of the official inventor and ask for the meager money for the development of the University, you can would be.
At one time, the inventor of the computer John (IVAN) Atanasov had been suing for 36 years to prove that it was not Wiener who was the inventor of the computer.
And so the author decided to open an electronic university.
Therefore, if there is a sponsor for the publication of this book, then not only mankind will win, but also the investor himself.
All ideas of inventions were collected by the author almost all his life: from 1969 to 2007, i.e. almost 40 years. He tried to register one invention: an ecological chimney. But the author was returned the application because it was incorrectly issued, and six months later a note appeared in the journal that the technology for the destruction of carbon monoxide using water was patented, and this invention has not yet been implemented. They began to switch from coal and natural gas to natural gas, which, when burned, emitted hundreds of times less carbon monoxide.
But the problem remains the internal combustion engines on gasoline and diesel for cars. There are two ways to make them environmentally friendly: inject exhaust gases into a water solution, which is very expensive, or build cars on electric engines with electricity generation using solar flint electric power engineering.
All other methods: charging electric accumulators from the AC mains, hydrogen engines are ecologically unacceptable, since hydrocarbon fuel is still burned.
Thus, the author realized that an idea was stolen from him and he stopped submitting applications for inventions, and then published a book for all his ideas, thereby depriving himself of patents and any other.
All ideas proposed to the reader are not patented by their author and have not been produced.
The author of the lectures hopes that the reader who implements an idea and will receive a patent, fee, etc., at least 10% will deduct the university for its further development, and first of all for the translation of his lectures, and first queue – in English or in language at the suggestion of the financier.
Lecture number 3 Autobuilding
1. Project of the sports car
Fig. one
ABC ≤ ADC, i.e. the upper arc is equal to or less than the lower or not much larger, and the angle α> 0
Purposefully streamlined body of a sports and luxury car with a rear engine, a different size of wheels and a horizontal axis of opening doors for 2 people and the original buffer system.
1) less drag – less fuel consumption
2) less weight – less cost and less fuel consumption.
Fn.n = Fp – подъемная сила профиля –
Fn.a = – Fa – подъемная сила от угла атаки
Fc.n. = Ft.h– суммарная подъемная (аэродинамическая) сила корпуса
Fp – profile lifting force –
Fa – lift from the angle of attack
Ft.h – total lifting (aerodynamic) force of the hull
Fig. 2
If the profile is close to symmetrical, and the angle of attack is negative (down), then the total lifting force of the car body can be directed down (to the ground).
This means that with increasing speed, the body will not go up, reducing the grip on the road. The main thing is that the lifting force (Fn) does not extend beyond the rear wheel.
2. The body of the sports and luxury car
It is a smoothly streamlined body with aerodynamic quality, in which the aerodynamic force is directed to the ground. This gives:
1) Reduction of drag, and hence fuel consumption.
2) Increase the grip strength of the wheels with the road surface.
3) Reducing the weight of sports and luxury cars, and thus the required power and fuel consumption.
4) Reducing the time of acceleration of the car (increase in acceleration).
It seems that leading automotive companies may be interested in such a building.
1) Serial cars: Ferrari, Lombardini and others.
2) Engineering firms: FFD-Rekordo England and others.
3) Tuning companies: Irmscher GmbH (Germany) and others.
For more details, see Lecture Course No. 16
3. Supersonic racing car
The main disadvantage of the currently existing supersonic fireballs is the improper aerodynamics of the hull, which results in an upwardly directed aerodynamic force on the hull, which makes it heavier. Therefore, the body must be designed so that the aerodynamic force is directed downwards and then the greater the speed of the car, the better the grip of the wheels to the ground. Fig. 4 Supersonic racing car
with aerodynamic body.
It is an aerodynamic case that increases the adhesion of the drive wheels. (Fig.5) It gives:
1) Increase the pressure force on the wheels.
2) Reducing the weight, and hence the power of the car.
3) Improving aerodynamic qualities.
This case may be interested inventors who want to build a supersonic car with the lowest cost.
Although the author of this lecture does not believe that not only the supersonic speed of the car was achieved, but also the sound one, since during registration as early as the 20th century there was no sound of a transition to supersonic speed.
4. About automotive fenders
a) Mechanized buffer
One of the most important elements to mitigate the impact of cars, and thus reduce the inertial forces and injuries from them are vehicle buffers.
But modern buffers are primitive, since spring and rubber are limited in application, and hydraulic are expensive.
The one who can design hydraulic buffers, not only at the front and rear of the car, but also at the side (at least for expensive cars) or any others, will contribute to saving the lives of people.
Other systems can be used, for example:
b) spring (in one direction, i.e. in the direction of impact) buffers made of plastic (polyurethane, polyethylene, etc.) without destruction, with subsequent return after repair.
For more details, see Lecture Course No. 16
1 – air intake
2 – jet engine
3 – output jet gases
4 – driver’s wheel
5 – steering wheel
4. About car fenders
a) Mechanized buffer
One of the most important elements to mitigate the impact of cars, and thus reduce the inertial forces and injuries from them are vehicle buffers.
But modern buffers are primitive, since spring and rubber are limited in application, and hydraulic are expensive.
Anyone who can design hydraulic buffers, not only at the front and rear of the car, but also at the side (at least for expensive cars) or any others, will contribute to saving people’s lives.
Other systems can be used, for example: see lecture course number 16.
b) spring (in one direction, i.e. in the direction of impact) buffers made of : (see lecture course number 16)
5. Autoaircraft
In fig. 7 shows an exemplary diagram of a car — an airplane with an air-jet engine (WFD) with a capacity of 200–500 kg (thrust) of a fan type with an airplane speed of 250 km per hour. Ground speed is 100–150 km / h.
Requirements and tasks that need to be addressed when designing such an aircraft
1) the creation of low-speed fan WFD
2) the creation of the entire range of mini-units for such a WFD: starter-generator, fuel and hydraulic units, boosters, etc.
3) the creation of direct gear from the WFD to the rear wheels
4) creation of a ground (mechanical) system of the handle (mechanism) of gas control or, more precisely, with the same gas (fuel consumption) of the WFD, to change power at the wheels using the mechanism for transmitting torque from the WFD to the wheels.
5) the center of gravity of the autoplane and the center of pressure of the lifting force must coincide and pass through the center of weight of the driver
6) it is necessary that the hull itself be of aerodynamic quality, the front wheels must be cleaned in flight, and the wings cleaned on the ground.
The most important, of course, is the creation of a jet engine and the prototype for such a minivr can serve as a taxiway for cruise missiles and such firms capable of creating them can be 2-3 (ZMZ Progress, the Roll-Royce and ); try to make a rival helicopter, i.e. avtosomolet.
Therefore, there is still no autonomous aircraft, because they were mainly engaged in amateurs, but there should be professionals and practically no technical problems in it (such a project).
But the most acceptable can be considered the creation of such a light and powerful battery, which is charged in flight, by a jet engine (RD), and on the ground it drives the rear wheels, while the RD is idle.
In 2018, in the United States, a self-propelled aircraft with a rear propeller and folding wings rose. A scheme proposed in this lecture avtosamolet was published in 2007. So, that electors and engineers have the opportunity and now to make the best self-propelled aircraft.
For more details see Lecture Course No. 16 about these and many other ideas of inventions indicated in the contents of the faculty.